10 Most Common Problems With Rental Houses
Renting a house is never easy and it can get tedious if you're doing it for the first time on your
own. So to keep it hassle-free bear in mind these ten most common problems.

Agreement/signing the lease
Be very careful while signing the agreement while looking for an ​ apartment for rent in
Canada. ​ Read the agreement, question the landlord and then only sign the papers. If possible get
a lawyer.

These are your basic necessities and will be charged but do ask the landlord if they come with
the rent or if you have pay them separately. If you are renting ​ 1-2-3 bedroom apartments
charges for​ ​ utilities will vary accordingly.

Maintenance of the property
The landlord will charge you separately for this and you should make sure that maintenance is
done properly.

Safe neighbourhood
If you're keen on a particular neighbourhood where you are looking for ​ houses for rent or
condos for rent​ , ​ ​ you can always check the crime statistics online for your own satisfaction.

Though owners leasing out ​ apartment for rent in Canada are not against pets, it is always
good to ask them and include this clause in agreement.

Security deposit
Owners of ​ 1-2-3 bedroom apartments will always ask for a security deposit but you have to
make it clear how much you're paying and how much you will get back when you leave the

Rent increase and Renewing lease
Owners having ​ houses for rent or ​ condos for rent will increase the rent annually so it is always
best to ask them about it before renewing the lease.

Moving out or eviction
Talk with the owner and make sure he gives you ample time to shift in case you're moving out or
have been served an eviction notice without losing out the security deposit.

Rule and Regulations
Every owner has his or her own set of rules. Be careful to read them and discuss it with the

Before shifting to your dream home take the confidence of the owner and make sure the toilets,
plumbing, rodents, pest control etc. are all done.

Contact US
481 University Avenue, Suite 305 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E9, CANADA.
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